Caring for Seniors

The holidays are a busy time for all of us. Between planning big family get togethers, shopping for presents, and attending holiday parties and gatherings, the holidays can be non-stop. It seems you barely have time in your calendar for the everyday things such as eating breakfast and doing laundry. The list can make your head swirl! But let’s not forget what the holiday season is all about: family and friends.
The holidays are a fun, festive time of year full of happy times and celebrations of life. And seeing everyone celebrating can be hard on seniors who have lost those around them to celebrate with. Depression and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) can creep in and take hold of seniors.

Sansbury Medical Stairlifts in Staten Island, NY, has been installing the best-rated stairlifts for over 25 years. We help seniors move more easily around their homes with curved stairlifts, straight stairlifts, or vertical lifts. Contact us today for more information!


  1. Help with chores, holiday shopping, or cleaning. As we age, we lose mobility and have decreased energy levels. You can greatly help the seniors you know by offering to help them with tasks that, may not be arduous in nature, but do take energy and time. Rake your seniors leaves. This can be a daunting task if the senior lives in a home with a lot of deciduous trees. Offer to help them clean their home. This could be an underlying reason they don’t have their friends over if they feel their home is dirty, but they don’t have the energy to clean it themselves. Take them holiday shopping. Holiday traffic can be a bear, and having someone able and willing to drive can be a huge load off seniors’ shoulders.
  2. Enjoy the little moments. Never underestimate the power a cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop can do on a cold, dreary, snowy day. Invite seniors to coffee, to a movie, to dinner, or a walk around a nearby trail or lake. Staying active can drive away the blues and aid in helping seniors forget about problems they may have. Plus, a listening ear is sometimes all a senior needs to feel better about themselves and valued in his or her life.
  3. Decorate. It’s easy during the busy days of the holidays for the time to fly by, and before you know it, the holiday season is over. Brighten seniors’ lives by decorating for the holiday season, which will help seniors get in the holiday mood and chase their low moments away. For Thanksgiving, invest in a cornucopia, pumpkins, or gourds for the house. Festive napkins and plates are great touches for family get togethers. For Christmas, put up a tree, be it a live tree or a fake one. Hang Christmas lights from the mantle, and help seniors hang them from the house and trees if desired. You don’t have to spend a fortune, and the little symbols that mark the seasons will go a long way to making the seasons merry.

Sansbury Medical Stairlifts in Staten Island, NY, values seniors. Our mission is to increase seniors’ mobility and accessibility to their homes through curved stairlifts, straight stairlifts, or vertical stairlifts. Contact us today for all of our chair lift options!