3 Essential Moving Tips for Seniors

Moving can be an extremely stressful experience.Ā From trying to weed through your belongings to the actual move day, nothing is simple when it comes to moving. If you are helping a senior in your life move from one home to another, it can be extra stressful. Not only are you trying to manage the move, but you are also helping your loved one adjust to a new place. For the elderly, this big of a change can be difficult to handle.

As the top rated stairlift company in Staten Island, we are passionate about helping seniors retain their independence and enjoy any home, no matter how many staircases it contains. Read on to learn more about how stairlifts and other amenities can help make a move an easier transition for your loved one.

Work On Downsizing Belongings

3 Essential Moving Tips for Seniors - Woman with Moving BoxA move is the perfect time to downsize. Whether you are moving your parent into your house so you can become their primary caregiver or you are helping them move into a home closer to you, utilize this move as an opportunity for getting rid of excess stuff.

Keep in mind as you work with your loved one on getting rid of junk that they might be reluctant to part with anything they own. It can be difficult for a senior to accept change, so take baby steps towards purging. Start with items that are obvious, such as piles of old magazines or newspapers and work your way to bigger tasks, such as getting rid of excess kitchenware. Make sure that during the process you enlist the help of your loved one and ensure you are not getting rid of anything that has a meaningful memory for them.

Make Sure The New Home Is Outfitted With The Best

One of the best ways to make the move an exciting experience rather than a worrisome one is to outfit their new house with things that bring added value to their life. For example, if you are moving them into a house nearby and the home has a large number of stairs, contact a stairlift company and have a chair lift installed so your loved one can retain the ability to utilize all floors in the home for years to come. With numerous different options, including straight, curved, and vertical, you’re certain to find the right stairlift for your home.

Stairlift FAQs

Point out the great features their new home will have to help them warm up to the idea of a new space.

Be Patient During The Transition

For most of us, moving is stressful due to the logistics involved. For a senior, the pain might stem from letting go of another chapter of their life. Perhaps the home they are leaving was the last place they shared with their spouse or the place they raised their children. Be patient as they transition. Grieving change can be expressed in numerous ways. Some seniors might suffer from depression while others lash out in anger at anyone around them.

Be gentle and kind and take time to care for yourself during the transitionary period. Put yourself in their shoes and empathize with their situation.

If you are helping a senior in your life move into a new house, make sure it has everything they need. Contact our stairlift company in Staten Island today for a quote on a stairlift for their new home.