1. Caring For Seniors

    Caring For Seniors During the Holidays

    The holidays are a favorite time of year for most people. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to reflect upon all the blessings of the year with family and friends. Christmas is a time to exchange gifts and celebrate the good times of the year. New Year’s is a time to welcome in a new season full of ho…Read More

  2. How to Choose the Perfect Stairlift for You

    HOW TO CHOOSE THE PERFECT STAIRLIFT FOR YOU At the touch of a button and a few clicks on the keyboard, you could be looking at dozens of different stairlifts for seniors with a variety of options to choose from. The selection can be overwhelming to the point where all you want is something that move…Read More

  3. 10 Essential Tips For Senior Home Safety

    10 Tips to Improve Home Safety for Seniors

    10 TIPS TO IMPROVE HOME SAFETY FOR SENIORS According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every 20 minutes a senior dies from a fall. Do I have your attention now? Another scary statistic: More than one in four older adults falls every year; fewer than half tell their doctor. Accidents …Read More

  4. 4 Benefits of Stair Lifts for Seniors

    The Benefits of Stairlifts for Seniors

    No one likes getting old. Not being able to do the things you used to do or even to do the things you want to do dampens your outlook on life and impedes your quality of life. Yet, it’s a fact of this wonderful gift of life all of us must accept. Luckily for us, we live in an age of amazing medica…Read More

  5. 3 Essential Moving Tips for Seniors

    Tips For Helping The Senior In Your Life With A Move

    Moving can be an extremely stressful experience. From trying to weed through your belongings to the actual move day, nothing is simple when it comes to moving. If you are helping a senior in your life move from one home to another, it can be extra stressful. Not only are you trying to manage the mo…Read More

  6. 4 Ways Seniors Can Keep their Independence

    Four Ways You Can Retain Your Independence As You Age

    Growing older can mean a lot of changes. From moving a little slower to needing more assistance with things you once handled solo, aging can require sacrificing some independence. However, as you grow older, you don’t need to give up all your independence. While there might be some tasks you need …Read More

  7. Taking Care Of Yourself When You’re Taking Care Of Another

    Many times, instead of sending your loved one away to a nursing home, you opt to instead become their caregiver. Taking care of an aging parent, grandparent, or other relative can be a rewarding experience. Knowing that you are giving them a peaceful life in the comfort of a home can give the whole …Read More

  8. 5 Ways to Ensure Your Senior's Home is Safe

    Creating A Safe Home For Your Senior Parent

    When your parents start to age, it is often hard to see how much mobility and cognitive capabilities they start to lose. As their child, you want them to retain as much independence as possible while still remaining safe. If you have a senior parent, make sure they stay safe by ensuring their home i…Read More